Electoral War Room

Election war room is another form of political branding and is one of the essential forms of branding currently. The war room is generally mandatory during election times. This is the place where we keep track of all the political events, applicants, every exercise that takes place in the public and likewise plan the upcoming process. To set up a political war room, we need PCs, information testers, tool architects and staff.

We help the contestant to organize everything in their ideal campus.
There are three basic types of war rooms in Political Campaign. To contrast with state or neighbourhood elections it draws on our experience:

Decision Making War Room: This is a set-up where you have the center heads for the election working in a room or proximity. This enables the battle to settle on options and to act quickly on risk or opportunity.

Media-Checking War Room: In the media-checking war room, you typically have a room of 8-12 support dimension staff who watch, capture, and alert all media activity. A committed individual regularly tracks this surge of data from correspondence staff, often rapid response groups, that shape media inclusion and on-point election messaging.

Election Day War Room: There are active movements to get votes on Election Day and there is a mid-day war room for this questioning. It is regularly maintained by the candidate or political aide of action and is carried out by the constituency political chiefs responsible for the various swing areas. The objective here is to have an early understanding of votes and dedicate assets as needed through Election Day. Every voter has vote objectives, and meeting all objectives is the only way you win.

The common feature for each of the three is that they are fundamentally about data portability. War rooms are impenetrable to central leadership, and they do this by getting data to the general population, who need it progressively, or by gathering chiefs to encourage activity.

This is where Pollstics will help you plan and strategize the next activities. Also, this is where we track the voter’s movements on a daily basis. The analysis, as well as the correction, are all planned and prepared for execution here. Our team of experts makes sure that they make day to day strategies here. Team of expert analysts of Pollstics will observe as well as participate in all the rallies for better results of your election campaign management process. This is a wonderful service from our side and the availability of this service from our domain for a short period will have a very positive impact on the political campaign management of the party as well. The war room has a great influence on the party’s brand value and promotion as a whole.


Aspects of Pollstics War Room Services


The team of experts ensures that the voters are monitored closely and in a proper manner.

It helps you to plan strategies and campaign aspects for better representation of your party before the election day.

The essential SEO features of your ads are also ensured in the war room.

Rally management and analysis of voter reactions is an important thing that is planned and strengthened in the war room.

Social media management is also planned and agreed upon here.

The process of campaigning is the basic step, and this choice is made efficiently in the war room itself.

Management of political campaigns is also essential, and our expert team ensures this in the war room.

Features of Pollstics Political War Room

  • Increase in party propaganda.
  • Campaign Planning and Management.
  • Analysis of voter turnout and responses.
  • Social Media and SEO Management.
  • Rally Observation and Management.

Why Choose Politics For The Political War Room?

Pollstics is one of the top political consulting agency in India to avail Election War Room services. This service of our platform has many advantages. Your party can take advantage of better campaign management, proper social media representation, SEO aspects of political advertising, and more. Here are some specific reasons why you should choose Pollstics over others in the market:

  • An expert team of strategists.
  • Day-to-day monitoring of rallies and voters.
  • Planning and managing campaigns.
  • Adhere to political advertising ethics and norms.