Social Media Management

With more than 80% of consumers reporting that social media—especially influencer content—exercises a significant influence on purchasing decisions, marketers across industries are witnessing the evolution of social media marketing (SMM) from a stand-alone tool to a multi-layered application of marketing intelligence. The sources are advancing as fast as the sources. Important—and growing—audience.
Within 25 years, from 1997 (when Six Degrees became the first social media site) to 2022, the dramatic growth of interactive digital channels has taken social media to  a level that rivals the reach of television and radio gives. By the first quarter of 2022, there were 4.6 billion social media users globally – more than 58% of the world’s population– an increase of over 10% in one year alone. 

As social media usage continues to skyrocket, marketers are adapting strategies to gain this important competitive advantage, engaging with this key audience faster and more effectively than traditional marketing. can be distributed properly.

What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?



Social Media Marketing (SMM) (also known as digital marketing and e-marketing) is the use of social media—platforms on which users create social networks and share information—to build a company’s brand, increase sales And to drive website traffic. In addition to providing a way for companies to connect with existing customers and reach new ones, social media marketing (SMM) has purpose-built data analytics that give marketers even more ways to engage and track the success of their efforts and allows identification.

Why is Social Media Marketing so powerful?

The power of social media marketing (SMM) is driven by the unique potential of social media in three main marketing areas: connection, interaction, and customer data.

Connection: Social media not only enables businesses to connect with customers in ways that were previously impossible, but also has an extraordinary range of content platforms (such as YouTube) and social sites (such as Facebook) to connect with target audiences Microblogging services (such as Twitter).

How Does Social Media Marketing Work?

As platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram took off, social media has changed not only the way we connect with each other, but also the way businesses are able to influence consumer behavior – engagement From promoting relevant content to extracting geographic, demographic and personal leads. Information that drives messaging that resonates with users.

Action Plan for SMM:

The most effective social media marketing strategy is the one that is highly targeted. Hootsuite, a leading software provider in the social media management space, recommends the following action plan for building an SMM campaign that has an execution roadmap as well as performance metrics: 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Compared to traditional marketing, social media marketing has several distinct advantages, including the fact that SMM has two types of interactions that enable targeted customer relationship management (CRM) tools. Performs: Both customer-to-customer and firm-to-customer. In other words, while traditional marketing primarily tracks customer value by capturing purchase activity, SMM can track customer value both directly (through purchases) and indirectly (through product referrals).

Shareable Content: 

Businesses can also convert the amplified interrelationship of SMM into the creation of “sticky” content, a marketing term for engaging content that draws customers in at first glance, prompts them to buy a product, and Then prompts them to share the content. This type of word-of-mouth advertising not only reaches an otherwise inaccessible audience, but also creates an implicit endorsement of someone the recipient knows and trusts – which is one of the most important ways to create shareable content. Social media marketing drives growth. 

Earned Media: 

Social media marketing (SMM) is the most effective way for businesses to reap the benefits of other types of earned media (a term for brand exposure by any method other than paid advertising): customer-generated Product reviews and recommendations.

Customer Segmentation: 

Because customer segmentation is more sophisticated on social media marketing (SMM) than on traditional marketing channels, companies can ensure that they focus their marketing resources on their precise target audience.
tracking metrics. According to Sprout Social, the most important social media marketing (SMM) metrics to track are customer-focused: engagement (likes, comments, shares, clicks); Impressions (how many times the post is visible); Reach/Dissimilarity (how many unique views a SMM post has); share of voice (how far a brand reaches in the online sphere); referral (how a user lands on the site); and conversion. However, another very important metric focuses on the business: response rate/time (how often and how fast the business responds to customer messages).

When a business is trying to determine which metrics to track in a sea of data generated by social media, the rule is always to align each business goal with a relevant metric. If your business goal is to increase conversions from an SMM campaign by 15% within three months, use social media analytics tools that measure your campaign’s effectiveness against that specific goal.


Optimized social media marketing (SMM) campaigns that quickly reach a range of target audiences are clearly beneficial to any business.

For example, a viral video that claims a product causes illness or injury should be addressed immediately—whether the claim is true or false.

Sticky content is the marketing term for engaging content that draws customers in at first glance and then influences them to not only buy products but also share the content.

Viral marketing is an SMM strategy that seeks to trigger the rapid spread of word-of-mouth product information – a very simple and inexpensive way to boost sales.

Earned media is a marketing term for brand exposure in any way other than paid advertising, for example, from customer-generated content product reviews and recommendations to shares, reposts and mentions.

Social media marketing has grown to include a range of techniques and strategies to engage users and market products and services. These include audience-targeted advertising, use of interactive chatbots, creating personalized experiences for online customers, use of social media influencers, building online audiences, etc.
Once again, it’s important to gain a good understanding of how marketing campaigns work on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Together, use these steps to build a personal brand that you can use to sell yourself and your work at ground level.


Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the use of social media platforms to interact with customers in order to build a brand, increase sales and drive website traffic. As social media use grows worldwide via both computers and mobile devices, the ability to drive sales from certain user populations is a growing business, rife with competition for views and clicks. Pollstics can help you to develop a customized Social Media Marketing plan to boost up your winning election campaign.